
When Sermon, Story & Life Meet At the Beach

To the beach! We’ve been looking forward to this much needed rest! The last several months have been a long push-to-the-finish leg of an even longer ministry journey. But, praise the Lord, the Oroko New Testament (with Genesis) is typeset and off to the publishers! For almost the last twenty years, this has been our major tangible goal. We’re not entirely sure what’s next, but for now, it’s off to the beach.   But, even as we’ve anticipated vacation time, we’ve sensed a need to rejuvenate, not just zone out in front of movies and games the whole vacation. Yes, let’s play at the beach and enjoy family time (which has unfortunately had its share of neglect the last few months), but let’s also take time to listen to God, reflect on life, and think.   So Sunday was our first full day here, and we decided to start the day with a video sermon ( Thanks Grace Pointe! ). The topic? Don’t serve the god of comfort. Don’t settle into that sought-after comfortable life....


Perspective It’s all about perspective. It’s the height of rainy season here. It has rained every day for two months. The sun has only appeared occasionally. Looking out at the front yard, it is a muddy mess. Looking at the backyard, it is a beautiful green jungle flourishing because of the rain. It’s all about perspective. Both are true pictures, both are real. Where will I put my focus?   The world is a mess. Just listen to the news - there are hurricanes, acts of violence, political protests, moral divides. A big muddy mess. I could put my focus there. I can complain about the mud. I can point out who I think are the muddiest people. I can howl in protest when someone splashes me with the mud or when the dog shakes it all over me. I can even hide inside my house, trying to isolate myself from the mud.   Or I could look around for the good. I could focus on the beautiful creation right in my back yard and pay attention to my neighbors who a...

Light for the Path. One Step at a Time.

In case it’s not obvious, I want to clarify that the name of this blog, “Light for the Path”, in no way indicates that I have light or great wisdom to shed on anyone’s path! Rather it is a reminder of my desperate need for God’s light and guidance on my journey. Yes, I am an “experienced” (code-speak for “been here a long time and am growing older”) missionary, but that doesn’t exempt me from needing God’s direction for each step! Psalm 119:105 says, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” It doesn’t say that his word is a spotlight shining far ahead or a row of streetlights illuminating the entire area. It’s a lamp “to my feet”. Right there. Just far enough ahead to know where to take the next step. My family and I live in a small village in Africa which, until just last month, has had no electrical power. Our house is set-up with solar power as was our teammates’ house, but everywhere else is dark from 7pm until dawn and people move around with lamps o...

Growth is awkward, uncomfortable, and beautiful.

Growth is awkward, uncomfortable, and beautiful. I recently posted some birthday memories on Facebook for my 20-year old daughter. While she enjoyed the memories, she also commented, “Now all my friends know what I looked like during those awkward years.” Yes, somewhere between being an adorable toddler and a beautiful teen, most young people go through some awkward growing phases. It’s also true in our personal walk with the Lord and our corporate growth as a Body of Christ. Our church service this morning was a perfect example. Full of first attempts and small changes. Long pauses and awkward moments. But, what joy in seeing people serving from their hearts! New Sunday School teacher . It was encouraging to see a new person try his hand at teaching. Was his reading fluent? No. Was he smooth and polished? No. Did he make a good attempt? Yes. And he was willing to admit what he didn’t know and ready to learn how to improve and do better in the future. He even put into prac...