Light for the Path. One Step at a Time.

In case it’s not obvious, I want to clarify that the name of this blog, “Light for the Path”, in no way indicates that I have light or great wisdom to shed on anyone’s path! Rather it is a reminder of my desperate need for God’s light and guidance on my journey. Yes, I am an “experienced” (code-speak for “been here a long time and am growing older”) missionary, but that doesn’t exempt me from needing God’s direction for each step! Psalm 119:105 says, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” It doesn’t say that his word is a spotlight shining far ahead or a row of streetlights illuminating the entire area. It’s a lamp “to my feet”. Right there. Just far enough ahead to know where to take the next step. My family and I live in a small village in Africa which, until just last month, has had no electrical power. Our house is set-up with solar power as was our teammates’ house, but everywhere else is dark from 7pm until dawn and people move around with lamps o...